sábado, 14 de dezembro de 2019


Recipient of the Academy Award for Best Short Animated Film in 2000, The Old Man and the Sea tells the story of an elderly fisherman. Santiago is a proud man but he no longer has the energy that he once had. He has not caught a single fish in weeks. One morning, he decides to go offshore and to stay at sea until he catches something to prove to himself that he is still capable. Thus begins a relentless battle between an old man and an enormous fish that may end up being the catch of his life.

Récipiendaire de l'Oscar du meilleur court-métrage d'animation en 2000, Le vieil homme et la mer raconte l'histoire d'un vieux pêcheur. Santiago est un homme fier, mais il n'a plus l’énergie d’avant. Il n’a rien pêché depuis des semaines. Un matin, il décide de partir au large et de ne revenir que lorsqu'il aura attrapé de quoi prouver qu'il est encore capable. Ainsi commence une lutte acharnée entre un vieil homme et l'énorme poisson qui sera peut-être la prise de sa vie.

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Also available in French. / Également disponible en français.
br> Produced by/Produit par : Bernard Lajoie, Tatsuo Shimamura. Director/Réal. : Alexander Petrov (Aleksandr Petrov ).


VIDEOGRAPHUS.BLOGSPOT.COM é uma galeria de vídeos e filmes na web. Desde junho de 2010 venho mostrando a história do começo do cinema e o trabalho dos grandes designers, diretores e produtores de vídeo que eu admiro.
O VIDEOGRAPHUS foi criado e projetado com a minha curadoria.
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VIDEOGRAPHUS.BLOGSPOT.COM is a gallery of videos and movies on the web. Since June 2010 I have been showing the beginning of the history of the cinema and the work of great designers, directors and producers of video that I admire..
VIDEOGRAPHUS was create and designed with my curatorship.
Unauthorized commercial distribution of this research and art work is not permitted without the explicit permission of the copyright owners of the respective publications. Hosting audio and videos on this site, all copyrights and trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. The images, movies and videos of this blogger can not be downloaded from this site under any pretext for any commercial purpose.