sábado, 9 de julho de 2011

29 - Robots of Brixton by Kibwe Tavares

Brixton has degenerated into a disregarded area inhabited by London's new robot workforce - robots built and designed to carry out all of the tasks which humans are no longer inclined to do. The mechanical population of Brixton has rocketed, resulting in unplanned, cheap and quick additions to the skyline.
The film follows the trials and tribulations of young robots surviving at the sharp end of inner city life, living the predictable existence of a populous hemmed in by poverty, disillusionment and mass unemployment. When the Police invade the one space which the robots can call their own, the fierce and strained relationship between the two sides explodes into an outbreak of violence echoing that of 1981.

Kibwe Tavares - Direction, animation, modeling, lighting, texturing
David Hoffman - Photographer Brixton
Mourad Bennacer - Sound Designer
DJ Hiatus "The Great Insurrection"

For more supercool projects


VIDEOGRAPHUS.BLOGSPOT.COM é uma galeria de vídeos e filmes na web. Desde junho de 2010 venho mostrando a história do começo do cinema e o trabalho dos grandes designers, diretores e produtores de vídeo que eu admiro.
O VIDEOGRAPHUS foi criado e projetado com a minha curadoria.
A distribuição comercial não autorizada deste trabalho de pesquisa e arte não é permitida sem a permissão explícita dos proprietários dos direitos autorais das respectivas publicações. Hospedagem de áudio e vídeos neste site, todos os direitos autorais e marcas registradas permanecem de propriedade de seus respectivos proprietários. As imagens, filmes e vídeos deste blogger não podem ser baixadas deste site sob qualquer pretexto para qualquer finalidade comercial.

VIDEOGRAPHUS.BLOGSPOT.COM is a gallery of videos and movies on the web. Since June 2010 I have been showing the beginning of the history of the cinema and the work of great designers, directors and producers of video that I admire..
VIDEOGRAPHUS was create and designed with my curatorship.
Unauthorized commercial distribution of this research and art work is not permitted without the explicit permission of the copyright owners of the respective publications. Hosting audio and videos on this site, all copyrights and trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. The images, movies and videos of this blogger can not be downloaded from this site under any pretext for any commercial purpose.