Pete Candeland has created an inspirational cinematic intro for the long awaited The Beatles Rockband video game.
I was part of the compositor's team.
I was responsible for the shot where the Beatles clothes, on the escalator are transforming and the folowing one with the crazy sun and planets fun fair.
Client: Harmonix/MTV and Apple Corps
Harmonix Music
Art Director - Ryan Lesser Project Lead – Josh RandallProducer – Pete Maguire
Apple Corps:Music Producer- Giles Martin
Production Co: Passion Pictures
Writer/Director: Pete Candeland
Producer: Debbie Crosscup
Co-Development Producer: Anna Lord
Executive Producer: Hugo Sands
2D Character Design/Development: Rob Valley
CG Character Design/Development: Ree Treweek [of Shy the Sun]
2D Animation Director / Layout: Rob Valley
CG Animation Supervisor: Wes Coman
Head of CG: Jason Nicolas
VFX Supervisor: Neil Riley
Technical Direcor: Julian Hodgson
Editor: Dan Greenway, Jamie Foord, Lee Gingold
Storyboarding: Brendan Houghton, Rob Valley
Matte Painting / Backgrounds: Alberto Mielgo, Daniel Cacouault, Lukasz Pazera, Jim Bowers, Alan Aldridge
Key Animators: Rob Valley, Jerry Forder, Pete Dodd, Daryl Graham
Assistant Supervisor: Dave Burns
Character Assistants: Alan Henry, Brent Odell, Jay Wren, Mitch Wilmot, Constantinos Demosthenous
FX Animation: Simon Swales, Jane Wright, Chris Knott
Toonz: Tim King, Megs Dore
2D Coordinator: Crystal Crompton
Anmation test check: Tony Clarke
CG Modelling: Ian Brown, Adam Dewhirst, Cesar Nunes, Mario Ucci
Rigging: Chris Dawson, Francois Pons, Julian Hodgson
Animation CG: Chris Welsby, Vincent Aupetit, Dony Mahmood
Animation FX: Jamie Franks
Texture \Lighting\ Rendering: Tommy Andersson, Quentin Vien, Guillaume Cassuto, Claire Michaud, Antoine Moulineau
Lead Compositing: Johnny Still, Niamh Lines
Compositing: Stephane Coedel, Ed Salkeld, Lee Gingold, Luke Carpenter
Dailies Editor: Daniel Florencio
Directors Assistant: Giles Dill
Technique and Software: Traditional 2D for the Beatles/Crowd; XSI for CG, AFX/Nuke for Comp
Telecine: Rushes
sexta-feira, 14 de junho de 2019

VIDEOGRAPHUS.BLOGSPOT.COM é uma galeria de vídeos e filmes na web. Desde junho de 2010 venho mostrando a história do começo do cinema e o trabalho dos grandes designers, diretores e produtores de vídeo que eu admiro.
O VIDEOGRAPHUS foi criado e projetado com a minha curadoria.
A distribuição comercial não autorizada deste trabalho de pesquisa e arte não é permitida sem a permissão explícita dos proprietários dos direitos autorais das respectivas publicações. Hospedagem de áudio e vídeos neste site, todos os direitos autorais e marcas registradas permanecem de propriedade de seus respectivos proprietários. As imagens, filmes e vídeos deste blogger não podem ser baixadas deste site sob qualquer pretexto para qualquer finalidade comercial.
VIDEOGRAPHUS.BLOGSPOT.COM is a gallery of videos and movies on the web. Since June 2010 I have been showing the beginning of the history of the cinema and the work of great designers, directors and producers of video that I admire..
VIDEOGRAPHUS was create and designed with my curatorship.
Unauthorized commercial distribution of this research and art work is not permitted without the explicit permission of the copyright owners of the respective publications. Hosting audio and videos on this site, all copyrights and trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. The images, movies and videos of this blogger can not be downloaded from this site under any pretext for any commercial purpose.
O VIDEOGRAPHUS foi criado e projetado com a minha curadoria.
A distribuição comercial não autorizada deste trabalho de pesquisa e arte não é permitida sem a permissão explícita dos proprietários dos direitos autorais das respectivas publicações. Hospedagem de áudio e vídeos neste site, todos os direitos autorais e marcas registradas permanecem de propriedade de seus respectivos proprietários. As imagens, filmes e vídeos deste blogger não podem ser baixadas deste site sob qualquer pretexto para qualquer finalidade comercial.
VIDEOGRAPHUS.BLOGSPOT.COM is a gallery of videos and movies on the web. Since June 2010 I have been showing the beginning of the history of the cinema and the work of great designers, directors and producers of video that I admire..
VIDEOGRAPHUS was create and designed with my curatorship.
Unauthorized commercial distribution of this research and art work is not permitted without the explicit permission of the copyright owners of the respective publications. Hosting audio and videos on this site, all copyrights and trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. The images, movies and videos of this blogger can not be downloaded from this site under any pretext for any commercial purpose.