sábado, 9 de julho de 2011

29 - Robots of Brixton by Kibwe Tavares

Brixton has degenerated into a disregarded area inhabited by London's new robot workforce - robots built and designed to carry out all of the tasks which humans are no longer inclined to do. The mechanical population of Brixton has rocketed, resulting in unplanned, cheap and quick additions to the skyline.
The film follows the trials and tribulations of young robots surviving at the sharp end of inner city life, living the predictable existence of a populous hemmed in by poverty, disillusionment and mass unemployment. When the Police invade the one space which the robots can call their own, the fierce and strained relationship between the two sides explodes into an outbreak of violence echoing that of 1981.

Kibwe Tavares - Direction, animation, modeling, lighting, texturing
David Hoffman - Photographer Brixton
Mourad Bennacer - Sound Designer
DJ Hiatus "The Great Insurrection"

For more supercool projects

28 - Tribute to Rene Magritte by FlipEvil

Tribute to Rene / flipEvil from Box of Toys Audio on Vimeo.

We joined forces with our friend flipEvil to create this composition in tribute to the Belgian surrealist artist, Rene Magritte.

Given the context we wanted to take a very traditional and unadorned route, and so composed a bespoke piano piece in and around the motion. The piano leads the way in terms of pace and characterization, backed by subtle sound design that reinforces the dream-like state of the visuals.


27 - Megalomania by Jonathangales

Megalomania perceives the city in total construction. The built environment is explored as a labyrinth of architecture that is either unfinished, incomplete or broken. Megalomania is a response to the state of infrastructure and capital, evolving the appearance of progress into the sublime.

Constructed predominantly using 3d Studio Max and rendered with Vray. Organic movement sequences were originally filmed on a Canon 5D mkII, tracked in PF Track and developed in CG. Demolition created using Rayfire. All compositing done in Adobe After Effects, edited in Adobe Premiere Pro. Audio recorded and coordinated using Adobe Audition.

More information about the project at


sexta-feira, 8 de julho de 2011

26 - The Muppets: Popcorn

(c) 2010 The Muppets Studio, LLC

25 - Blik - Written and directed by Bastiaan Schravendeel

A young boy moves to a new neighbourhood and falls in love for the first time, with the much older girl next door.

A young boy moves to a new neighbourhood and falls in love for the first time, with the much older girl next door. Visit us at polderanimation.com facebook.com/polderanimation Full Credits: Bastiaan Schravendeel (Director) Jean-Paul Tossings (Technical director) Sander Kamermans (Art director) Piebe van der Storm (Set designer) Peter van der Velden (Sound) Alex Debicki (Music) Bob Kommer Studios (Mix) Polder Animation

sábado, 2 de julho de 2011

24 - One Life - Directed by Ryan Wilkinson - Animation by Corey Hayes

"One1ife" – Courte animation Cette animation retrace la vie d'un vieillard en passe de mourir dans son lit d'hôpital. Bébé, adolescent, adulte, il se remémore ses plus beaux souvenirs et ses plus douloureux juste avant son dernier souffle. "One Life" est une courte animation qui a été élaboré par un groupe de 7 étudiants sur les 10 derniers mois, au cours de notre "Post-Graduate Program" au Collège Humber à Toronto, Canada. Ce court métrage a été conçu pour montrer nos compétences en conception 3D et de permettre à chacun d'entre nous de poursuivre nos effortss de production dans le futur. Dave Emirzian –www.davidemirzian.com Corey Hayes – www.coreyhayes3d.com Scott Martin – www.martin3d.net Felipe Nogueira – www.felipenogueira3d.com Chris Rawn – www.chrisrawn.com Rob Vanvelzen – www.rv3d.net Ryan Wilkinson – www.wilkinson3d.com This animation will make you think about your life.
The song is "old man" by Neil Young
Animation by Corey Hayes

23 - Invention of Love - Written & Directed by Andrey Shushkov

A love story from the world of gears and bolts.

Animated short 2010.
Inspired by Lotte Reiniger works and Antony Lucas's Jasper Morello film.

Written & Directed by Andrey Shushkov

Original Music and Sound: Polina Sizova, Anton Melnikov.
Violin perfomed by Anna Gudkova

Animation, Design, Compositing, Editing: Andrey Shushkov

22 - Big Buck Bunny in HD

An animated short film about a Big Buck Bunny in HD

Copyright Blender Foundation | www.bigbuckbunny.org


Sacha Goedegebure, Aka “Sago” (Netherlands)
Story and screenplay
Storyboard artist
Character designer
Animatic editor
Character animator

Andy Goralczyk (Germany)
Art director
Character modeler
Character animator
Texture painter
Environment modeling and shading
Fur and feathers
Shading, lighting, compositing
Graphics design (web, dvd)

Enrico Valenza, Aka “EnV” (Italy)
Lead artist
Storyboard artist
Color guide artwork
Animatic editor
Character animator
Matte and texture painter
Environment design, layout, modeling and shading
Environment and props animation

Nathan Vegdahl, Aka “Cessen” (USA)
Rigger & Animator
Character animation
Character rigging
Environment and props animation

William Reynish (Denmark)
Character animation
Animatic editing

Brecht Van Lommel (Belgium)
Technical Director
Software development, support & bug fixes
3D tools and rendering development,
Hair,‭ ‬grass and environment rendering software

Campbell Barton, Aka “Ideasman42″ (Australia)
Technical Director
Software development, support & bug fixes
Scripting & tools
Tree modeling and scripting
Environment and props animation
Render wrangler
Studio pipeline

Jan Morgenstern (Germany)
Music and sound design
Sound effects, foley design, audio mixing and post-production

Ton Roosendaal (Netherlands)
Project realization, finances, planning
Software development, scheduling

quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011

21 - The Piano - Animation by Aidan Gibbons, Music by Yann Tiersen

An old man shares his life story with his young grandchild through evocative music.

domingo, 19 de junho de 2011

20 - Clara

Clara sings "Johnny Got A Boom Boom" by Imelda May.
Billy has a rock style.
Technique: lip sync has been done in "keyframes", no automatic tool has been used!
lighting is "basis" for reasons of computing time (720p), no GI, no FG, no radiosity!
inspirations of design Clara between cute Arthur De Pins, and Betty Boop
approximately five months of work
Sorry for the compression :)


VIDEOGRAPHUS.BLOGSPOT.COM é uma galeria de vídeos e filmes na web. Desde junho de 2010 venho mostrando a história do começo do cinema e o trabalho dos grandes designers, diretores e produtores de vídeo que eu admiro.
O VIDEOGRAPHUS foi criado e projetado com a minha curadoria.
A distribuição comercial não autorizada deste trabalho de pesquisa e arte não é permitida sem a permissão explícita dos proprietários dos direitos autorais das respectivas publicações. Hospedagem de áudio e vídeos neste site, todos os direitos autorais e marcas registradas permanecem de propriedade de seus respectivos proprietários. As imagens, filmes e vídeos deste blogger não podem ser baixadas deste site sob qualquer pretexto para qualquer finalidade comercial.

VIDEOGRAPHUS.BLOGSPOT.COM is a gallery of videos and movies on the web. Since June 2010 I have been showing the beginning of the history of the cinema and the work of great designers, directors and producers of video that I admire..
VIDEOGRAPHUS was create and designed with my curatorship.
Unauthorized commercial distribution of this research and art work is not permitted without the explicit permission of the copyright owners of the respective publications. Hosting audio and videos on this site, all copyrights and trademarks remain the property of their respective owners. The images, movies and videos of this blogger can not be downloaded from this site under any pretext for any commercial purpose.